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Workout Of The Day

WOD 11.10.24 (MGW)


20 min AMRAP 

250 m Run, 10 Box Jumps RX 60 cm, 16 Renegade Rows RX 20 kg, 15 DB Floor Chest Press 

  • Heavy Day:

Leg day

A1 4×10 front Squat

A2 4X16 B. step alternate lunges (barbell)

A3 4×10 hip thrusts

A4 3×12 leg extension+ 12 leg adductor

A5 Plank 1min + 15 ghd back extension

  • The Full Body series

Full body upper focused

A1. 3 x10 Front squat

A2. 3 ss 20 dumbbell alternating back lunges + 15 machine leg curls

A3. 3 x max reps chin ups

A4. 3 x 10 Barbell bench press

A5.3 ss 12 bent over dumbbell row + max reps push ups

A6.3 ss 15 dumbbell skull crusher + 15 dumbbell side raises

A7.3 ss 20 swiss ball crunches + 30-40 sec swiss ball plank

  • Functional Body Building: