9-7-5 Power Clean RX 70 kg, Ring Muscle Up/ 12-9-6 Strict Ring Dips 3 min Strict Rest, then
15-12-9 Dead Lift RX 80 kg, Toes to Bar.
Upper push
•Strength part
2×8-2×6-2×4 bench press
4×8 push press
•Definition part
4ss 10 Arnold press+12cable overhead tricep extension
3ss 12 dips + max tricep dips 3x ghd 10/15 back extension + 10/15 weighted sit ups
Lower body FBB
A1.4 sets of : 10 Goblet Squat 16 Db Walking lunges
A2.4 sets of: 10 Romanian Deadlift 8+8 Back step lunges
A3.3 or 4 sets of: 10 cal Row 8 thruster 12 V ups 30 double unders
A4.3 sets of: 15 arch 20 glute bridges 20 flutter kicks