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Workout Of The Day

WOD 13.3.23 (MWG)


25 min EMOM 1st 8 Touch & Go Dead Lift RX 100 kg, 2nd 10 Strict Hand Stand Push Ups, 3rd 12 Box Jumps RX 60 cm, 4th 15/10 Cal Echo Bike 50 sec Cap, 5th Rest


  • Heavy Day:

Lower body

4×8 front squat

4×8 deadlift

4ss 12 swings + 12 deficit sumo squat

3ss 16 alt back step curtsy lunges+glute bridge iso hold 40″ 3ss 12 palov press (R/L) + 15/20 Vups


  • Functional Body Building:
Lower body FBB
A1.3 s.sets of: 15 cyclist goblet squat 20 glute bridges
A2.3 s.sets of: 12 Sumo Squat 15-15 Single leg Hip thrust
A3.3 sets of : 10 Front rack Back lunges 15 Wall ball 700 m bike
A4. Core : 3/4 rounds 20 mountain climb 12 floor windmills 15’’ hollow hold