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Workout Of The Day

WOD 14.12.22 (M)


Team WOD, 4 Team mates – 4 Ergometers.

36 min As Many Cal As Possible

Row Erg, Speed Fit, Ski Erg, Echo Bike.  

Switch station every 3 min. 

  • Heavy Day:


Upper 1

•5×5 bench press

•4×10 landmine kneeling shoulder press

•4ss 8 incline db pause chest press + 12 Bar push down cable

•3ss 10/15 deficit push ups + 10r/10l kick backs

•3x 10 strict toes to bar + 10 paralletee pass throughs

  • Functional Body Building:

Lower body FBB

A1.4 sets of : 10 Glute loop Hip thrust 8+8 Goblet reverse lunges

A2.4 sets of: 12 Db Sumo deadlift 8+8 Curtsy drop lunges

A3.4 sets of: 10 cal bike 10 wall ball 10 box jumps 30 double unders

A4.3 sets of: 10 vups 10’’ hollow hold 20 flutter kicks