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Workout Of The Day

WOD 15.9.23 (MGW)


5 Rounds for time 

400 m Run, 20/15 Wall Ball Shots RX 12 kg, 20/15 Ring Rows. Cash Out 60/40 V Ups.

  • Heavy Day:


Day 2

4×8 deadlift

4×8 Chin ups

4×10 dumbell invented row

3×10/15 Australian pull ups

3x 15/20 sit ups + 10/15 ghd back extension


  • Functional Body Building:
Upper body FBB
A1. 3 sets of: 1’ Row 10 chest flys 10 Bradford press
A2. 4 sets of 10-12 Bench Barbell Press + 8-8 Farmers Press
A3.3 sets of: 10 Strict Bar Dips + 10-20 Db full raise
A4.Every 2’ x3 sets : 12 inverted Skull Crushers + 30’’ Assault Bike (High effort )
Then : Every 2’ x 3 sets : 30’’ Max inverted Rows + 30’’ Assault Bike (High effort)