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Workout Of The Day

WOD 16.3.23 (GW)


18 min EMOM 1st 3/2 Hang Squat Snatch RX 50 kg, 6/5 OH Squat RX 50 kg, 2nd 12/9 Toes to Bar, 3rd 15/12 Hand Release Push Ups.

  • Heavy Day:
Upper day 2
4×8 sumo deadlift,
4×10 pull ups,
4×12 cable seated row,
3ss 8 high pull/hang power clean +12 ring rows upper back,
3×21 dumbell bicep curls,
3ss 12 strict leg raises + heavy 1 arm farmer walk 30m (R/L)1


  • Functional Body Building:
Full body
A1.4×16 Gorilla rows + 8 Db clean n press,
A2.3 sets of : 10 Db thruster + 12 kB swings,
A3. 3 sets of : 4 man makers 6 pull ups 8 cal row *rest 1 min,
A4.3 sets of : 10 barbell curls 12 tricep extensions 30’’ Dead bug,
A5. Core 3 sets of : 20’’ L lift 16 alt vups 10+10 side raises.