20 min EMOM
1st 16 Alternating DB Snatch RX 20 kg
2nd 20 Back Step Goblet Lunges RX 20 kg
3rd 12 Toes to Bar/Knees to Chest
4th 15/12 Cal Echo Bike
5th REST
Pull day
A1 4×8 deadloft
A2 4×8 pull ups
A3 4×10 seated close cable row
A4 4×10 high pull
A5 3×10/12 side shoulder raises
A6 3ss 12 ghd sit ups + 15 superman back extension
Full body lower focused
B1. 3x 12 Deadlift
B2. 3 ss 15 goblet squat + 15 dumbbell hip thrust
B3. 3 ss 20 suitcase back step lunges + 15 Machine hip abduction
B4. 3 x 12 Shoulder press
B5. 3x 12 Machine row
B6. 3 ss 15 push ups + 15 trx wide grip row
B7. 3 ss 20 crunches with leglift + 20 russian twists + 20 floor back extension