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Workout Of The Day

WOD 22.5.23 (MGW)


25 min EMOM 1st 8 Touch & Go Dead Lift RX 80 kg, 2nd 10/8 Strict Chin Ups, 3rd 12 KB Swing RX 24 kg, 4th 14/10 Cal Echo Bike, 5th REST.

  • Heavy Day:


5*5 back squat

4*8 deadlift

4 ss * sled push 50m + 10 good mornings

3 ss * 20 walking lunges + side step 30 steps

3 ss*12/15 goblet pulse squat +1’ kb plank pass through


  • Functional Body Building:
Lower body
A1.4 sets of: 12 Banded Deadlift 8-8 Back step lunges
A2.4 sets of: 15 Db Glute Bridges 20 Skater lunges
A3.3 sets of: 6 box step overs 9 Snatches 12 cal Row
A4.3 sets of: 20 Sit ups 20 scissors 20 mountain climbers