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Workout Of The Day

WOD 23.11.24 (GWΜ)


Hero WOD Hot Shots 19

6 Rounds For Time

30 Air Squats

19 Power Cleans 60 kg

7 Strict Pull Ups

400 m Run

Endurance WOD 

3 Rounds – Every 3 min

  1. 500/400 m Ski Erg
  2. 500/400 m Run 
  3. 500/400 m Row Erg


  • Heavy Day:


A1. 12-10-8-6 back squat

A2. 4×10 good morning

A3. 4x10R/10L deficit back step farmer loaded lunges

A4. 4×15 leg press A6. 3ss 12 leg extension + 12 db stiff leg deadlifts

A7. 3x 10 strict leg raises + 12 arch rocks

  • The Full Body series

Full body upper focused

A1. 4 x 10 Deadlift

A2. 3-4 x 20 goblet pulse squat

A3. 3-4 x 8 strict pull ups(weighted if possible)

A4. 3-4 x 8 chest dips(weighted if possible)

A5. 3 ss 12 db chest press + 24 kb gorilla rows(12 per side)

A6. 3 ss 15 z bar bicep curls + 15 rope overhead tricep extension

A7. 3 ss 30 sec db sit up with rotation+ 30 sec front rack kb march

  • Functional Body Building: