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Workout Of The Day

WOD 25.11.24 (MGW)


25 min EMOM 

1st 10 Dead Lift RX 80 kg 

2nd 10 Strict Chin Ups 

3rd 15 KB Swings RX 24 kg 

4th 250/200 m Run 

5th REST 

  • Heavy Day:


A1. 12-10-8-6 back squat

A2. 4×10 good morning

A3. 4x10R/10L deficit back step farmer loaded lunges

A4. 4×15 leg press A6. 3ss 12 leg extension + 12 db stiff leg deadlifts

A7. 3x 10 strict leg raises + 12 arch rocks

  • The Full Body series

Full body upper focused

A1. 4 x 10 Deadlift

A2. 3-4 x 20 goblet pulse squat

A3. 3-4 x 8 strict pull ups(weighted if possible)

A4. 3-4 x 8 chest dips(weighted if possible)

A5. 3 ss 12 db chest press + 24 kb gorilla rows(12 per side)

A6. 3 ss 15 z bar bicep curls + 15 rope overhead tricep extension

A7. 3 ss 30 sec db sit up with rotation+ 30 sec front rack kb march

  • Functional Body Building: