18 min EMOM 1st 9 Dead Lift RX 80 kg, 2nd 9 Strict Chin Ups, 3rd 9 DB Clean & Shoulder to OH RX 20 kg
Definition back-tricep
•Pull ups 4×10
•One arm row 4x10R+10L
•4ss 15 Lat pull down (cable) or trx high row +10 kick backs (10R 10L)
•3ss x 10 dead stop bent over row+ 12 tricep push down (cable) or tricep overhead extensios
•3SS x max close grip push ups +20 oblique sit ups
Upper body FBB
A1.4 sets of: 10 Narrow grip press 6-8 supinated grip pull up
A2.4 sets of: 8 Deficit push ups 8 +8 Single db row
A3.3 sets of: 12 cal row 9 burpee over the box 15 ghd sit ups *rest 1 repeat
A4. 3 sets of: 10 bicep curls 10 hanging leg tucks 20 bench dips