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Workout Of The Day

WOD 27.5.23 (MG)



For time: 1 mile Run, 100 Pull Ups, 200 Push-Ups, 300 Air Squats, 1 mile Run

Endurance WOD 

For time 1000 m Run, 10 Burpees, 20 DU, 800 m Run, 20 Burpees, 30 DU, 600 m Run, 30 Burpees, 40 DU, 400 m Run, 40 Burpees, 50 DU, 200 m Run. 

  • Heavy Day:

Upper Day 2

5*5 bench press

4*10 dumbbell seated shoulder press

4 ss * 10 incline barbell press + 10 front raises

4 ss * max close push ups + 12 incline dumbbell tricep extension

3x 20 weighted crunches + 12r/12l banded woodchop


  • Functional Body Building:
Full body
A1.for 12’ minutes: 100 m Run 1 wall walk hold at top 10’’ 100 m Run 10 elbow to tall plank
A2.for 12’ minutes : 100 m Row 5 Rower pike ups 100 m Row 20 Russian twists
A3.For 12’ minutes: 250 m Bike 10 pike push ups 250m Bike 16 Toe taps