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Workout Of The Day

WOD 3.2.25 (MGW)


Every 2 min  for 24 min 

1st 400/300 m Run 

2nd  2 Rounds of 8 Front Squat RX 60 kg, 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

3rd 2 min REST.

  • Heavy Day:
  • The Full Body series

Full Body Upper Focused

A.1 4 x 8-10 Front Squat

A2. 3 ss 12 KB Deadlift High pull + 12 Leg extension

A3. 4 x8-10 Strict Pull up

A4. 4 x 8-10 Bench press

A5. 3 ss 12 Chest Supported Close Grip Row+ 12 Incline DB Flies

A6. 3 ss 15 Tricep Dips (weighted if possible) + 15 Rope Hammer Curls

A7. 3-4 ss 20 DB Sit ups + 20 Plank DB Touches

Full Body Lower Focused

B1. 4 x 10(per leg) Kickstand Bar Deadlift

B2. 3 ss 15 Leg press + 15 GHD mini band reverse hypertension

B3. 3 ss 20 KB Goblet step back Lunges + 15 trx Glute Bridges

B4. 4 x 8-10 Chin ups

B5. 4 x 8 (per hand) Alternating DB Shoulder press

B6. 3 ss 12 DB Chicken Press + 12 DB Wide Grip Row

B7. 3 ss 20 V ups + 30 Cable Trunk Rotation (15 per side)

  • Functional Body Building: