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Workout Of The Day

WOD 3.7.24 (M)


Every 3 min for 36 min 

  1. 500/400 m Run
  2. 500/400 m Row
  3. 150 DU or 200 SU.
  • Heavy Day:

Bodybuilding sessions

Back + triceps

A1. 4×12 lat pull down

A2. 4×10 landmine V row

A3. 4ss 10 chest supported prone uper back row+ 10 Incline dumbell skill crashers

A4. 3ss 10 cable pull over + cable/ dumbell oh tricep extensions

A5. 3x 15 crossed arm sit ups+ 12R 12L side plank knee to elbow

  • The Full Body series
  • Functional Body Building: