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Workout Of The Day

WOD 4.12.23 (MGM)


 20 min EMOM

1st 10/8 Dead Lift RX 80 kg

2nd 12/9 Strict Ring Dips 

3rd 14/10 Burpees

4th 16/11 Cal Echo Bike 

5th REST 

  • Heavy Day:
Mixed focused leg day
1×10 1×8 1×6 2×4 front Squat
4×12 leg press
4×20 alternate back step lunges
4ss 15 cycling squats + 12 heavy kb swings
3ss 15 leg extension + 15 ghd sit ups+ 30″/40″ R/L one arm row
  • Functional Body Building:
Upper body FBB
A1. 3 sets of: 1’ Skierg 15 banded Lat Pull Down 15 Bench Dips
A2. 4 sets of : 12-10-8-max reps Barbell Bent Over Row
A3.3 sets of: 8 Bench press 30’’ Ring row Hold
A4.For 12’ Amrap: 8 HRPU 16 American Swings 8 HRPU 300m Run