For time 5-10-15-10-5 Clean & jerk RX 60 kg, Chest to Bar Pull Ups.
B Pull
1. Pull ups 12-10-8-6 (find the right weight or band)
2. 4 x 10 good mornings
3. 4 x Super Set.: 10 bend over row + 10 reverse fly
4. 3 x 10+10 front raises drop sets
5. 3 x 21 bicep curls
6. 3 x hollow hold 30/45 sec + 15/20 tuck ups
Upper body FBB
A1.4 sets of: 10 Pull ups, 8 Chest press
A2.4 sets of: 8 Pendley row, 8 Arnold press
A3. 2-4-6-8-10-12 Db hammer curls, 10-20-30-40-50-60 Double unders
A4. 4-6-8-10-12 Leg raises, Bench dips