For time 5-10-15-10-5 OH Squat RX 60 kg. Between every step 12 Toes to Bar/ Knees to Chest.
Definition chest-shoulder-bicep
•4×12 Dumbell chest press
•4×10 barbell incline chest press + 12 bicep hammer curl
•4×12 cable chest fly or chest fly + front raises 10
•3x one arm side raises 10r 10l + eccentric bicep curls 10
•3x 30 crunches +40 mountain climber or 15/20 jack knives swiss ball
Lower body FBB
A1.4 sets of: 12 Banded Rack pull 16 walking lunges
A2.4 sets of: 8+8 side lunges 15-15 single leg hip thrust
A3.3 sets of: 20 Box step ups 16 renegade rows
A4.3 sets of: 20 frog pumps 20 plank hip touch 30 db glute bridges