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Workout Of The Day

WOD 7.6.22 (GWM)


 20 min EMOM  1st 5 Power Clean RX 80 kg, 2nd 10/9 Strict Hand Stand Push Ups, 3rd 15/12 Cal Echo Bike, 4th REST.

  • Heavy Day:

Strength upper body

5×5 bench press 5×5 deadlift

4×8 strict shoulder press

3×3/5 legless rope climbs or 3×10 chin ups

3×8 hang power clean/high pull

3×10 strict toes to bar+ 10 paralletes pass through


  • Functional Body Building:

Lower body FBB

A1.4 sets of: 12 Deadlift 8+8 Bulgarian split lunges

A2.4 sets of: 8+8 goblet Cossack squat 20-25 Glute loop Db hip thrust

A3.3 sets of: 9 box jumps 9 swings 15-20 cal bike

A4.3 sets of: 16 alternating vups 15 crunches 20’’ hollow hold