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Workout Of The Day

WOD 8.7.22 (GWM)


20 min AMRAP  :  400 m Run, 20/15 Ring Rows, 50 DU/SU, 20/15 KB Swing RX 24 kg.


  • Heavy Day:

Legs definition

4×10 front squat

4×20 back rack forward lunges + 12 swiss ball leg curl

3x 45/1 heavy sled push +10 leg extension (cable or nordic)

3x1min banded step backs

3×20/25 swiss ball crunches + 15 swimmers


  • Functional Body Building:

Mixed conditioning FBB

A1. 3 /4 sets of: 15 cal Hard row 15-15 banded clamshells 20 banded hip thrust

A2.3/4 sets of: 15 cal bike 16 feet elevated back step lunges 15 banded cha cha

A3.3/4 sets of: 150 m run 15 ring rows 12 oblique side bends