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Workout Of The Day

WOD 11.4.24 (GW)


For time 

9 Toes to Bar, 10 Alternating DB Snatch RX 20 kg, 

15 Toes to Bar, 20 Alternating DB Snatch RX 20 kg,

21 Toes to Bar, 30 Alternating DB Snatch RX 20 kg

15 Toes to Bar, 20 Alternating DB Snatch RX 20 kg 

9 Toes to Bar, 10 Alternating DB Snatch RX 20 kg

  • Heavy Day:
Day 1
1×10 1×8 1×6 1×15 back squat
4×10 hip thrust
4×8+8 Leg press drop set
4ss 20 front rack dumbell alternate lunges 2 + 9/12 heavy slam balls
3x20R+20L standing kick back mini band+ 30″R/30″L side plank feet elevated
  • The Full Body series
Full body upper focused
Front squat 3 x 8-10
3 sets of 20 bar back lunges ss 20 swiss ball hamstring curls Incline bench press
3x 8-10 Chin ups
3 x max 3 sets of 12 Machine cable seated row ss max push ups
3 sets of 15 dumbbell skull crusher ss 15 dumbbell side raises 3 sets of 20 swiss ball crunches
30-40 sec swiss ball plank
  • Functional Body Building: