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Workout Of The Day

WOD 14.4.22 (GW)


For time 10 Hang Power Snatch RX 50 kg, 20 Back Rack Alternating Lunges RX 50 kg, 12 Toes to Bar.

  • Heavy Day:

4ss Bench press 10+10 australian pull ups

3ss 10+10 incline chest press (drop set) + 10 gorilla rows

3ss 10 weighted dips + 12 cable pull over/pull over 12

3ss max push ups + 12/15 GHD back extension +16/20 long arm weighted crunch

  • Functional Body Building:

Upper body FBB

A1.4 sets of: 10 narrow grip Press 8 Chin ups

A2.4 sets of: 8 deficit push ups 8+8 single arm Db row

A3. 3 sets of: 10 burpees 15 sit ups 1’ echo bike

A4. 3 sets of: 12 top down bicep curls 16 Landmine oblique twist