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Workout Of The Day

WOD 20.11.23 (GM)


20 min AMRAP 

40/30 Air Squat, 30/20 Push Ups, 20/10 Pull Ups, 500/400 m Run

  • Heavy Day:
Lower body
5×5 front Squat
4x10R/10L bulgarian split squat
4×10 nautilus hip thrust/hip thrusts
4×10 good morning +12 leg extension
3×1 min iso squat + 15 ghd leg raises
  • Functional Body Building:
Upper body FBB
A1. 3 sets of: 1’ assault 10 Barbell Bent over Row 10 Barbell Strict press
A2. 3 sets of : 6-6-max reps (lighter weight ) Dumbbell Strict press
A3.3 sets of: 10 Incline Db Press Max rep Pull ups
A4.For 12’ Amrap: 12 Narrow Grip tricep push 16 Alt Db Snatch from floor Bike 500m