20 min EMOM 1st 16 Alternating DB Hang Power Snatch RX 20 kg, 2nd 12/8 Box Jumps RX 60 cm, 3rd 16/10 Cal Echo Bike, 4th REST.
*Add 1 Cal at Echo Bike, and 1 rep at the box jumps after every round.
Pull session
12-10-8-8 deadlift
4x S.S:8 chin ups + 10 alternating bicep curls
3xS.S 10 chest supported wide grip dumbell row+ 10trx bicep curls
Core:8R/8L Half Turkish sit ups+ 12 reverse snow Angel’s
Upper strength
A1.3/4 sets of: 8/10 Narrow grip Bench Press 8/10 Chin ups
A2.3/4 sets of: 8 Push ups on parallette 8+8 single arm Db row
A3. 3 sets of: 10 burpees 15 sit ups 40’’ echo bike
A4. 3 sets of: 12 Db bicep curls 12 Db tricep extensions 12 Russian twists