1 or Half mile run, 100/50 pull-ups, 200/100 push-ups, 300/150 squats, 1 or Half mile run
–Hydrate before, during & after workout.
Given that this is one of the longest workouts in history, don’t be afraid to stop and reach for the water bottle when you need to (especially for those that will be completing the run in humid and hot climates). The goal is to complete the workout—you don’t want to bring on rhabdomyolysis in the process.
Endurance WOD
a. Burpees
b. Echo Bike
c. Row Erg
d. Speed Fit Run
2 min REST Between Intervals.
1. Push press 12-10-8-6
2. 4 x S.S.: 10 dumbbell chest press + 10 chest flys
3. 3 x S.S.: 10/12 deficit push ups + 10 R/10 L kick backs
4. 3 x 12/15 close grip bench press
5. 3 x side plank rotations 30sec R/ 30sec L + 30/45 overhead farmer walk