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Workout Of The Day

WOD 8.1.24 (MGW)


Every 2 min for 20 min 

A. 200 m Run 

B. 7-5-3 Front Squat RX 60 kg, Chest to Bar Pull Ups.

  • Heavy Day:
4X8 B. Squat,
4×10 Nautilus hip thrust,
4×20 Front rack lunges,
4SS x 12 Deficit sumo squat +15 leg abductors
3SS x 15 Swiss ball leg curls+15 Swiss ball Jack knives + 15 Swiss ball reverse crunches
  • Functional Body Building:
Upper body FBB
A1. 3 sets of: 1’ Skierg 12 banded low to high 20’’ chip up hold
A2. 3 sets of : 10 strict Bar Dip + 15 DB Incline Bench press
A3.3 sets of: 15-15 Db Single arm row + Max reps Tricep Push up
A4.For 15’ Amrap: 6 DB Romanian Deadlift 6 Dual Db clean 6 Dual Db Press 50 DU