Partner B: 30/20 Single Rack Back Step Alternating Lunges RX 24 kg (Switch rack every 15 reps), 20/15 KB Swing RX 24 kg, 10 Feet Elevated Ring Row (feet on a box)
Heavy Day:
Chest n back
5×5 bench press
4×12 chest supported row
4ss 10 incline chest fly+ 10 face pull
3ss 10/15 ring rows + 10/15 dips
3ss ghd sit ups 10/15 + arch rocks 12/15
The Full Body series
Full body lower focused
Deadlift 3 x 8-10
3 sets of Leg press 12-15 ss banded side walk 30-40sec
3 sets of dumbbell step ups 20(10each) ss dumbbell hip thrusts
20 Pull ups or band assisted pull ups
3 x 8-10 Shoulder presses 3 x 8-10
3 sets of dumbbell row reverse grip 12 ss dumbbell rotation chest press 12
3 sets of sit ups with rotation 16 -20 ss 30 plank shoulder taps (15 each side)
Functional Body Building:
Lower body FBB
A1.3 sets of: 1’ Sled Push 15 Squat 8-8 Single Leg Db deadlift